Thursday, June 9, 2011


People who know me know that I do not get mad very often. These people know to stay the hell away from me when one of my favorite sports teams loses or when I do badly on some sort of test. Besides this not much makes me angry. Not much people say to me really makes me angry and I have the ability to brush most of the other things off. Anyway, you get the point. However, when I was on my run today I was infuriated. You see, I had been planning all week to run this 13km run today and had laid out the specific route and everything. So I start out on my run and everything is going just fine until I get about 3km into it. I turned the corner to go onto this long stretch of road and I see a train on the train tracks blocking the only way for me to continue on my route. I smiled to myself and figured "okay, I will just run up and down this road in a circle until the train moves out of the way of the road. It shouldn't take too long." I was sadly sadly mistaken. I was running around like an idiot for about 5-7 minutes and when the train had only a few railroad cars left to go it decided to reverse directions. This was by no means a short train. It was probably around 1km long so I knew it would probably take at least 15 minutes for it to completely move the opposite direction. I will now draw you a picture of the situation:


So after realizing I would not be passing the tracks and getting to my destination (marked 1. on the map) and screaming some profanity in the direction of the train, I decided to go back the way I came and see if there was a road that would bypass the tracks further down the road marked 3. I did not know this area all to well so I thought I would give it a shot. This meant running back down the road another 1.5km. I was so pissed off that I just sprinted down the entire road and took a right. I made it to the intersection marked 4 and took another right and proceeded to run down that road. I ran about 700m uphill and when I made it up I realized this road just lead to some old guys driveway. I could not run behind his house either because there was a huge field of shit. I may be a little bit over dramatic here but at this point I wanted to make that train disappear and melt it in fucking highly concentrated Sulfuric Acid. After this I had to run almost all the way back to my house and go up another route. I ran another short route of 5km because I figured I should not go home at that point as I was too angry. I just ran this route as fast as I could to run out the rage.

I realize in reading this most of you will think it is ridiculous and writing this out had made me feel a little bit that way as well. However, it did make me feel a bit better. Well, I hope my next run turns out better than this one.

BBBBBBounced out.

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