Thursday, June 30, 2011

Like the Wind

Today I decided to indulge in shirtless running. I by no means ever do this to “show off” or any other similar stereotypical reason people seem to come up with in their heads about shirtless male runners.  I do it for many other reasons. I’m going to dive into a list here of reasons why I believe it is beneficial to be running shirtless. First of all I would only consider it when it is over 25 degrees Celsius outside (it was 31 today). I’m not so bold to ditch the shirt any cooler than that, although I personally believe it would be perfectly acceptable anywhere over 15 degrees. Now to get onto the aforementioned list:
-Not to overheat:  People who simply walk or bike in the heat do not realize just how much warmer the body gets when you are full out running for kilometer after kilometer. You get very very hot. When you are shirtless the heat is allowed to escape from your torso and the wind passing across it is such an awesome added bonus.
Fun Stuff.
-To prevent my nipples from bleeding: Okay that must have put a fairly vivid picture in your heads but it is true. When sweat starts to build up on a cotton shirt the constant rubbing of the wet shirt against the nipples combined with the humid environment can cause a pretty nasty looking chest. It is not fun to come home with a shirt that has two extra red designs on it that were not there when you went out. This is true especially for long runs over 10km.
-To get an even tan and prevent burning in the future: This is kind of a silly reason, but I thought hey why not mention it. Running shirtless prevents you from getting that t-shirt or muscle shirt tan and makes it all even. Also building up a tan slowly overtime without too much sun exposure at one time helps prevent your skin from burning as badly when you are forced to be in contact with the sun for a long period of time in the future.
-To prevent coming home with a shirt that weighs 3 pounds/having to do less laundry: Basically, yeah a shirt with a run’s worth of sweat in it can come to feel quite heavy and cumbersome and it is better to just avoid that situation. Plus, it saves on laundry detergent. I’m only thinking of the earth we all share :p
-Gives incentive to eat better: When you know that people are going to be seeing you running each time it gives you a sense (even if it is only subconsciously) to eat better so that your appearance is more appealing to them next time you run by them.
-Plainly because it feels better: Running shirtless makes you feel free and it is the most natural, comfortable way to run. It is how we were brought into this world and how people were doing it for hundreds of years. It also seems to give you that little extra spring in your step.
-Inspires others to get out and get in shape and run: This is not really a reason why I do it directly but I think it is an excellent byproduct of my actions. I think when someone sees an in shape shirtless runner it inspires them to want to also get in shape so they can do it themselves.

I was already thinking of doing a post on shirtless running but I thought I should mention a story from my run today that kind of put it to the top of my topics list. I was trying to cross the highway at an intersection where there were no lights of crosswalks. I finally saw a clearing and went for it and what did I see from the blue pick up truck that just passed me? I saw an overweight man sticking his hand out the truck window and flipping me off. It took all I had to not just break out laughing hysterically right there. Thankfully not much flusters me and I was able to maintain my focus and continue on with my run. Hey, if it makes him feel better about himself to do that to other people, as sad as that is, I’m glad it was to me so that it did not have the possibility or discouraging someone else.
I move for a shirtless runner epidemic! Get out there and run with your shirt off. Girls, a jog bra would do haha. But hey, if you don’t want to go shirtless at least go out and run. It would be awesome to see more runners out because it seems to me like we are an endangered species.
Peace out!
epop aka runman21

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